Monday, March 30, 2009

the ugly reality of being an unemployed twenty-something in a shitty economy

well, i'm unemployed. again.

i graduated, accepted a job at the small internet company i interned with in college, and got laid off 6 months later. i then accepted a three-month digital communications internship at a public relations agency. i really thought i'd love it - and i was really wrong. after three months of incorrect pay (causing me to hardly make ends meet) and being treated like dirt, here i am again - seeking employment.

i've always been a stubborn person, i've never settled, but here i am faced with one of the most difficult decisions of my life (thus far): to settle or not to settle?

i could get any corporate-whatever job. i could likely land an offer blindfolded and with my hands tied behind my back - but that's not what i want. i want to work in a creative agency. period.

i'm seriously struggling with the idea of accepting (or even looking for and considering) a position doing something other than marketing/advertising/digital - i don't want to work somewhere else where my coworkers hate their jobs... i want to work somewhere where everyone is brilliant, outgoing, proud of their work, and happy to be where they are.

yeah, yeah i know. most of you are probably cursing me as a typical twenty-something gen-y millennial who wants to have their cake and eat it too. and what i'm going to say next will likely prompt you to continue cursing me and my naivete ... i think i'm good enough to not have to settle.

hell, i think i'm downright great. i'm outgoing, always give more than 100%, bubbly and smiley, talented, smart as hell, and i'm assertive. so what if i'm only twenty-three? i've learned a lot, lived a lot, done a lot and have no problem acknowledging that i still have a lot to learn... and that excites me.

being a semi-recent graduate (a year ago) in this economy sucks. furthermore, add to the mix that i'm a marketing major, well it sucks even more. marketing and HR have been the first things to go - and all the marketing jobs i've seen out there are either part time or "admin" positions. and i'm sorry, but when did "marketing" become "admin"? people are seeking "marketing assistants" and only offering $8/hr but requiring a degree? who the hell do these employers think they are?

ugh. must stop ranting.

anyway. i'm looking for a job in a creative agency - be it advertising, web design, whatever. i'm super passionate about the web, and have a fair amount of experience in it. i have great confidence in my abilities and know i'll land the job of my dreams, but let's face it. times are tight, and i need a job now.

i've found a great agency, who thinks i'm just as great and wants to hire me. the problem? hello. we're in a recession, and they need new business to hire me. they're great and i'm willing to wait but while i'm waiting i'll likely run out of money, get evicted, lose my health insurance (which i currently pay a ridiculous monthly premium for) and my mind, fall back on my car payments... and well, i'm pretty sure you can imagine the rest.

if anyone has any leads, pointers, or love, please feel free to comment on here or love me on twitter... i could sure use the pick-me-up.

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